Voices of AnyCreek
• Tue, Aug 1, 2023
While bonefish and permit are widely touted as world-class targets for those on the hunt for tailing fish, a different species reigns king for anglers in the shallow estuaries and salt marshes of the North Florida Lowcountry. Redfish — also known as red drum, or spot tail — frequent these intracoastal habitats from the Mid Atlantic all the way to South Texas. Redfish thrive among the intricate tidal latticework of mud-banked creeks, snaking through dense clusters of spartina and other marsh grasses in search of fiddler crabs, mud minnows, and other unwary crustaceans seeking refuge within the dense intertidal vegetation.
In saltwater fly fishing — when stronger fish, larger flies, and more extreme conditions are at play — it is critical to have a well constructed leader for success on the water. A leader is the connection between your fly line, the fly, and ultimately the fish. Understanding how to put together a well built leader helps anglers improve their chances of success on the water.
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